HUD Secretary Ben Carson visited Denver October 23, 1017 to gain insight into the affordable housing market. His visit illuminates the administration’s interest in the benefits of making nice joint ventures developments between private developers and public housing agencies, for moderate to low-income individuals through the Section 42 Low Income Tax Credit Housing Program (LIHTC) . During Secretary’s Carson trip to Denver he visited a tax credit community developed by MGL Partners and Solvera Advisors, and managed by Silva-Markham Partners, Lumien at Fitzsimons, in Aurora, Colorado. Secretary Carson shared with Silva-Markham Partners’ President and CEO Alfonso Silva, that the current administration prefers tax credit properties that benefits working people, as opposed to properties that don’t require that residents necessary be employed (Section 8). This philosophy of helping working individuals dovetails with the Apartment Association of Metro Denver’s (AAMD) initiative called Live Denver! Live Denver is being developed by AAMD, Denver Mayor Hancock and Chipotle restaurants. Mr. Silva is an active member of AAMD.